Ash Sarkar - In Conversation

Foundry, Sheffield.

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BOOK & TICKET £42.35 (£38.50)
LOW INCOME TICKET £11.00 (£10.00)
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Join political commentator Ash Sarkar to discuss her explosive debut Minority
Rule, which reveals how the collective power of ordinary people is under
We live under minority rule. But who is the ruling minority?
Most of us are getting screwed over. Our world is defined by inequality, insecurity,
lack of community and information overload. As the world burns, mega-corporations
are reporting record profits. How are they getting away with it?
‘Minority rule’ is the term Ash Sarkar uses to describe the irrational fear that
minorities are trying to overturn and oppress majority populations. In her eye-
opening debut, she reveals how minority elites rule majorities by creating the culture
wars that have taken over our politics, stoking fear and panic in our media
landscape. Because despite what they’ll have you believe, antiracist campaigners
aren’t actually silencing the ‘forgotten’ working class, immigrants aren’t eating your
pets, trans-activists aren’t corrupting your children, and cancel culture isn’t
threatening free speech.
In Minority Rule, Sarkar exposes how a strategic misdirection of blame over who
is really screwing everything up is keeping the majority divided, while the real ruling
minority of hedge fund managers, press barons, landlords and corporations remain
on top. And it’s facilitating one of the biggest power grabs in history. Most crucially,
she shows us how what we really have in common is being concealed by a
deafening culture of distraction – and that the first step towards a better future is
understanding what is happening now, and how we got here.
Ash Sarkar is a writer, lecturer, journalist and political commentator. A contributing
editor of Novara Media, she has written for the Guardian, Independent and
Huffington Post, with regular appearances on British television and radio, including
Good Morning Britain and Jeremy Vine; on 5. She has been called
one of ‘the internet’s best leftwing thinkers’ by the Spectator, and was named Media
Personality of the Year by the Asian Media Awards in 2019. Sarkar also lectures at
the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam, and has taught Global Politics at Anglia Ruskin
University. Minority Rule: Adventures in the Culture War (27 February 2025,
Bloomsbury) is her first book.

This event will include an interview, audience Q&A and book signing