Deborah Frances-White with Host Josie Long

The Glee Club, Glasgow.

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Show Doors:18:30

Last Entry:19:00

Show Start:19:30

Six Conversations We’re Scared to Have - Book Tour 

From the author and host of The Guilty Feminist

Deborah Frances-White

14+ only. 14s to 18s must be accompanied by an adult. No refunds will be given for incorrectly booked tickets.

Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity
GENERAL ADMISSION + BOOK £46.48 (£41.50)
Deborah has requested the sale of a limited number of discounted tickets for people who feel unable to buy full price tickets due to financial concerns. These tickets will be sold purely on an 'honesty box' system and we hope and request that they will be enjoyed by the people who will most appreciate them.

Handling and delivery fees may apply to your order  

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More information about Deborah Frances-White with Host Josie Long tickets

All wheelchair/accessibility tickets and PA comps are to be booked directly with The Glee Club box office